klondike & smokey city

School Performance Metrics

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Our Schools

Students in Shelby County can apply to attend any school they prefer, but over three-fourths of SCS students attend their neighborhood school. Klondike and Smokey City are served locally by a mix of public and charter schools:

Whole Child Strategies has partnered with all of these schools to coordinate efforts and investigate the impact of community initiatives on student performance. We believe that the community is the final judge of our fidelity to our mission, and to that end we are working to make student outcomes as accessible and comprehensible as possible, so that everyone involved in the work of making Klondike and Smokey City better places to live and grow for our children can see where we stand.

Statewide Metrics

The Tennessee Department of Education oversees standardized testing for all students in the K-12 system. Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) scores are compiled annually for all districts and all schools. We summarize this information below in a graphic that allows you to compare any KSC school to the TCAP averages for Shelby County Schools, the Achievement School District, and for the state as a whole. Also displayed are TVAAS scores for the school and the districts; this is a value-added measure on a 1-5 scale, and attempts to quantify how much students’ proficiency improved over the course of the year, regardless of their final proficiency as measured by TCAP.

To use the dashboard, select a school, student population, and test subject area, and the graphs will adjust to reflect your choices.

In cases where the Success Rate (the percentage of students who are assessed as either On Track or Mastered) is less than 5% of the student population, Tennessee does not report the exact figure. On these charts, this is represented by a solid gray bar.

More to Come

We continue to work with our school partners to increase access to student performance data without compromising privacy and security. Watch this space for more information as it becomes available!