Statement from WCS Executive Director Following Memphis Shootings

The Klondike and Smokey City neighborhoods, like all of us in Memphis, are still struggling to make sense of the violence that took place this past week. Our entire city mourns the people taken too soon from their families, their friends, and from everything they deserved the time and opportunity to become. As a community, we’re all moving toward the important work of healing – and that includes understanding the full impact of the harm inflicted. 

The sad truth is these were not singular, random events. The tragedies of recent days were the result of multiple factors and systemic failures; the same factors that push kids out of educational opportunities can push them towards harm – either to themselves or to other members of the community. 

We cannot afford to ignore the root causes of community violence or the mental trauma it exerts. Let us stand up and demand action that will support our communities and address these root causes to prevent another week of mourning in our beloved city.

Here are our video statements echoing the need to examine the root causes of community violence.

Whole Child Strategies