WCS Summer Sabbatical Promotes Mental Wellness

Taking the time to unwind, disconnect, and restore is essential to mental wellness. But for those of us working for and with communities still in crisis – either because of deepened unemployment, threats of eviction, utility cutoffs, and food insecurity because of the pandemic, or the pre-pandemic weight of systemic racism and disinvestment – times of rest are few and far between. The work that we’ve done together since the pandemic has been so important. Together, we’ve provided on-the-ground support to our friends, neighbors, and partners in the Klondike and Smokey City communities and helped them to push for changes and resources they saw as critical – including solutions related to employment, transportation, and more healthy food options.

As a team, being mentally and physically ready to keep that momentum going is our highest priority. 

That’s why we’re once again instituting an all-staff sabbatical this summer. From June 6 to July 5, 2022, the Whole Child Strategies staff will be taking time off to rest, recover, and refresh our minds and bodies.  


The reason our staff can breathe easy during our month away is that they know our strong network of partners and champions are ready to keep the mission going. The Neighborhood Champions will continue to be the boots on the ground in the community, supporting residents, handling neighborhood concerns, and connecting people to resources as they need them. Our continuing partnership with MATA means that KSC residents will stay connected to local sources of fresh food and groceries. Our organizational partner Cathedral Of Faith will support that project, answer questions that people may have for the WCS Outreach Team, and handle any immediate community needs; they can be reached at 901-327-1616 or 901-949-8226.

We hope that you, too, will find ways to rest and recharge this summer. We look forward to coming together in four weeks as a team made even stronger, more focused, and ready to serve. 

 Thanks for all you do.